
2015 Finish Along - Q2

I realize that my blog has recently been more about "maybe" than about "a quilt", but hopefully this is going to change this quarter, as my plan is to work on:

1. sort-of-traditional - a quilt with two different kinds of simple blocks set on point:

The top is actually almost finished now, just top and bottom borders to add, but it still needs backing and then of course quilting.

2. it's mine - an orange peel quilt that will stay here with us and for which I'm using my most treasured fabrics:

The units are 3.5" to make the 4-unit blocks 6" (finished size), so I have lots and lots more to stitch, but they are fun to make.

3. 100years... cushion - I think by now we can safely say that I'm not patient enough to EPP a whole quilt, but I should be able to make a cushion cover:

That's more like it, don't you think?

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side